November 03, 2023
Riju Andrews Jacob
how to practice self care as a new mom
Give yourself some postpartum pampering no matter how much (or little) time you have.
Fill your own cup first, right? Taking care of your baby actually starts with taking care of yourself. Whether you have five minutes or a full hour, there are easy ways you can make a habit of having me-time.
TV night for mom
Self-care sometimes comes in small packages. A cozy blanket and a bingeable drama is the perfect zone-out activity once your baby is all tucked in. Give yourself permission to skip the laundry (it’ll be there tomorrow, promise) and allow yourself to rest and recharge before you head to bed yourself.
Go ahead, treat yourself to dinner on the couch—it’s ok to break the rules when you’re the mom! Order in your favorite meal, or better yet, ask your partner or friend to play chef or schedule the delivery. Everything tastes better when you simply don’t have to do the thinking.
If you're feeling a little antsy about not being in the same room with your sleeping baby, know that it’s normal, but that’s what baby monitors are for: peace of mind.
schedule a spa sesh

Leaving the house is optional, of course. You can help your body recover from childbirth with a warm bath. Focus on just your bottom with a sitz bath, or give yourself a much-needed full soak in the tub once your doctor gives you the all clear.
Just the smell of essential oils can help soothe your mind. Add a few drops to a diffuser and position it next to your bed or couch before you sit for a few me-minutes. Try lavender for its calming properties or lemon to boost mood and focus.
An at-home mani-pedi can lift your mood, too. Maximize your self-care break by shining an LED therapy light on your face while your nails dry; according to the Cleveland Clinic, 30 minutes can boost your energy, improve your mood, enhance your focus, and even help regulate sleep patterns.
You can also borrow your baby’s moisturizer and give yourself a hand or foot massage, or tap into some of your leftover pregnancy belly oil and show your postpartum skin some love.
It can also be therapeutic to write out your feelings and experiences during transformative parts of your life. So, grab a baby journal and make it a keepsake.
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